
The project

Multilingualism is a key objective for Europe. The Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning (2006/962/EC) includes communication in foreign languages ​​among the eight key competences. CLIL is seen as a viable solution to meet the demand for acquisition of the Community languages ​​and cultural skills to facilitate integration, and European mobility, is a methodology for integrated language education, cross, multilingual, democratic . The linguistic and educational needs, very different than most Europeans, the promotion of bilingual skills, if not trilingual, the emphasis on teaching early learning of a second language, and encouraging the teaching of non-language for means of a second language, they are the elements engines. The students will start learning the subject content (story) in a foreign language. The transition from the idea of ​​teaching and learning a language as a set of rules, to the idea of ​​language as a tool to convey the contents of the different fields of study shifts the mode of practice, from fiction contexts of conversation , designed for the occasion, in real communication situations.

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